Daily Chronicle

Tuesday April 28 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Tuesday April 28 News
by Andrea Martin - Tuesday, 28 April 2020, 11:20 AM


Tuesday April 28, 2020


Tech Connection Concerns

Reminder that if students are having any tech problems with their student accounts and website connections, please email the School District IT department: helpdesk@saanichschools.ca and these tech gurus will be able to help you out. They will need your name and student # in order to help you.

School Bus Registration for 2020-2021

Looking ahead to next year..... registration for students to ride the school bus is now open for the 2020/2021 school year. Bus service is free of charge, but students must be registered to ride. Registration for bus transportation will be closed 5:00 p.m. June 30, 2020. Click on this link to register: https://www.sd63.bc.ca/programs-and-services/transportation


A beautiful necklace was found on the school field last week, in the style of First Nations art. You can claim the necklace by emailing Mrs. Martin in the front office and describing it: amartin@saanichschools.ca

GRAD 2020

Dry Grad 2020 - Stay in the Loop!

Next Meeting (ZOOM meeting) is TONIGHT (Apr 28) @ 7pm

Two weeks ago, several parents hopped on a zoom call with Mr. Westhaver and the Dry Grad Exec and brainstormed alternative options for our graduates of 2020. As the situation is ever evolving, we are viewing this more as a Grad Class of 2020 brainstorm and COVID19 status update, instead of just Dry Grad Party. Some of the ideas that floated around included:

Plan A: June Outdoor Party

Plan B: August Party

Plan C: December “Homecoming”

Plan D: Bursaries/ Recognition/ Gifts

Plan E: One Year Reunion

Here is a Zoom meeting link for Grad 2020/Dry Grad and feedback from Mr. Westhaver:


Meeting Password: 2ypBQH

All grade 12 parents are welcome. This is a great way to stay connected and hear the latest status update for our grads. Looking forward to seeing you all virtually.

Grad Transition Deadline – May 15

Reminder to Grads that the deadline to submit your Grad Transition is May 15. Submit your completed forms and resume (or send any questions) to Cammie Watson, Career Centre Assistant: cwatson@saanichschools.ca

You can take a picture of your forms and email them if you don’t have a scanner.

Your three GT components include:

1) Community Connections- Participate in at least 30 hours of volunteer or work experience and/or community service, and describe what was learned. Please note: If you haven't worked or volunteered before Spring Break this year, you can do meaningful work and/or volunteering at home or in other venues that are appropriate to the current social distancing environment. Parents/Guardians can sign your form regarding your work/volunteer hours.

2) Exit Interview - Your interview can take place remotely by a Claremont staff member, or  at home with your parent/guardian.

3) Resume - Submit your resume regarding past, current, or future employment. There are many great online resources about resumes, as well as design templates.