Applications, Course Selection & Programs of Choice

Families on Work or Study Permits - Please contact the Saanich International Student Program at

Want to know about selecting your courses? Review the Course Selection Video and the Claremont Course Guide Book

1) Is your name on the Claremont New Registration Waitlist for 2024-2025  (Waitlist is currently closed. We are at capacity at this time)

      • If you have any specific questions please contact Christine Knapp at and she will get back to you as time permits.
      • Adding your name to this list is not registration. It is only to show your interest in attending Claremont.
      • Please provide all contact information regarding your student including address, parent names, phone number, email address, and current school and grade.
      • Your name will be added to our Registration Waitlist.
      • After February 22, 2024 please complete a Registration Package and Course Selection Form and submit to Claremont School. If you reside out of catchment your completed documents will be date stamped and kept on file, once the school administration determines that space is available you will be contacted to confirm enrollment.
      • Students within the catchment for Claremont or applying for one of our Programs of Choice will take 1st priority and out of catchment students will be registered if space permits.
Complete the 2024-2025 Registration Package and Course Selection Form (below)

      • Course Selection Forms for 2024-2025  (See All Grade Course Selection Forms listed below)
      • All complete applications can be dropped off at the Claremont School Office, mailed or faxed to 250-658-5387.   Please ensure that all required documents are attached. Applications will not be processed until all required documents are received.

Guide Book for 2024-2025 courses offered at Claremont

Applications for Claremont School and Programs of Choice

Programs of Choice Applications 2024-2025  

Specialty Program Applications 2024-2025

The programs listed below do not give priority registration to Claremont

Claremont Students

Please make sure that Institute for Global Solutions (IGS), Pursuit of Excellence (PEP), Basketball and Claremont Sports Institute (CSI) Applications are attached to Course Selection Forms before handing them in. New Registrations to Claremont please make sure all Program Applications and Documents are attached to your Registration Package and Course Selection Forms.

Please Note: If applying later in the school year, on or before September 15, schools will determine the number of seats available in classes or programs.If the school administration determines that space is available, students from the Application Register will be selected based on a priority order set by school district policy. Claremont will notify parents of students accepted as soon as a decision is made, or as soon after September 15 as possible, to indicate that the request for enrollment has been accommodated.

Last modified: Tuesday, 7 May 2024, 11:38 AM