Daily Chronicle

Monday November 2 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Monday November 2 News
by Andrea Martin - Monday, 2 November 2020, 11:29 AM


Monday November 2, 2020


Claremont E-sports Team (League of Legends)

There is an opportunity this year for students wanting to participate in a Claremont E-sports team. The game being piloted this year is League of Legends. There is a quick turn-around time for this, so anyone who would be interested needs to come to an important meeting TOMORROW (Tuesday) at lunch in room 130 (in the math wing).

Course Drop Date – Tomorrow Nov 3

Reminder: the last day to drop a Q1 course and not have it show up on your student transcript is TUESDAY November 3. A course drop form, signed by a parent, must be submitted to drop a course.

TEx (Trades Exploration)

Claremont is exploring the possibility of offering a TEx program in Quarter 3 (Feb 1–April 22, 2021). This program would be full days (blocks 1 & 2) for 10 weeks. Students would get to sample 4 trades: Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing and Metal Work and would earn 8 credits. TEX is open to students in grades 10-12. If you are interested or if you have questions, please see Mr. Bussoli (room 217).

Dual Credit Programs - Camosun Partners with Claremont

Are you interested in gaining credits and learning a valuable skill? Camosun College is still offering a few programs that have seat availability for 2021:

Health Care Assistant - Jan & May intakes

Cook E-pprentice - Feb intake

Cook Foundation - Jan & April intakes

Horticulture Foundation - July intake

Welding - Feb & Aug intakes

See Mr. Bussoli in room 217 or email him at rbussoli@saanichschools.ca if you are interested in any of these awesome dual credit programs.


No news today.


Key Club

On Halloween afternoon, a group of students in the Claremont Key Club participated in a Trick or Eat event. Our students collected donations of non-perishable food in our neighbourhood for our local food bank. Thank you to our Key Club and our neighbours for fighting food insecurity and helping our community.


No news today.


Peer Health Educator Training – Starts Today

AVI Health and Community Services is offering a Peer Health Educator Training, covering substance use, sexual health, overdose response, peer support skills and root causes of stigma. After the training, there may be future opportunities to co-facilitate workshops in the community and to work on the creation of a local sexual health podcast. Open to anyone aged 13 and older. The training will take place over Zoom on Monday evenings (4:00 to 5:30) from November 2 to December 14. Youth are encouraged to register before October 26 by emailing <span lang="en-US">sarah.graham@avi.org or texting/calling 250-480-8823.

NCAA Information Session for Canadian Student-Athletes: Nov. 4

EducationUSA is hosting guest speaker Elizabeth Thompson, NCAA Associate Director of International Education and Outreach, who will review the NCAA eligibility process for Canadian students. Wednesday, Nov.4, @ 12:30 pm. If you have a class in the afternoon (after lunch), be prepared to ask your teacher whether you can attend this meeting virtually in an appropriate setting at school. The session will be about 45 minutes with plenty of time for Q&A. Register here: https://www.bigmarker.com/educationusa-canada/NCAA-information-session-for-Canadian-student-athletes

UBC Engineering & School of Architecture

Virtual Open House – Nov 7

UBC Engineering and School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA) is hosting a Virtual Open House on SATURDAY, November 7. Connect with professors, staff and students to explore everything this UBC Department has to offer. For more information and to RSVP: https://engineering.ubc.ca/openhouse

U of Calgary Virtual Info Session – Nov 10

Gillian Chan, Student Recruitment Advisor for the University of Calgary, is hosting a virtual (ZOOM) information session covering the school's programs, admission requirements, and any questions you may have on TUESDAY, Nov 10 at 6pm. Students will need to register in advance for this meeting:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

UBC's Faculty of Medicine - Virtual Outreach Presentations

The University of British Columbia’s Faculty of Medicine is excited to announce the launch of their new Medical Student Outreach Ambassador Program. The Faculty of Medicine plays a pivotal role in selecting and training medical doctors in British Columbia and wants to inform students about possible future careers in medicine. UBC medical students can provide 30-60 minute presentations to high school students. If you are interested in this, contact Mrs. Watson from the Career Centre, and she will organize a virtual presentation date for you.

If your name has already been given to Mrs. Watson for a virtual session, make sure to check your student email for more information!

UVic Virtual Info Sessions

UVic is offering many different virtual events for students and parents. Go to this page to see a list of events: https://www.uvic.ca/undergraduate/tours-events/events/index.php

Want to attend? Register here: https://uvic.simplybook.me/v2/

If you would like more information in an area you don't see listed, contact UVic Student Advisor Stephanie Parker directly, and she will help you! stephanieparker@uvic.ca

She is offering presentations to other schools, such as on the admission and application process for UVic, and scholarships/awards; or an evening presentation (open to all interested students and parents) with a focus on general information about UVic; allowing for a Q&A.

Post-Secondary BC (PSBC) Virtual Events: Nov 16-17

PSBC is hosting virtual events for Victoria students on November 16 (2-6pm) and November 17 (3-7pm).

Students need to register online: https://postsecondarybcvirtualfair.easyvirtualfair.com/prefair/ to access the PSBC Virtual Event platform, called Easy Virtual Fair. On Nov. 16 and 17, special presentations and events are scheduled, but as soon as students register, they will have access to the platform and website, where they can explore the different booths to see videos, viewbooks, etc. about all BC Post Secondary institutions! For more info, see Mrs. Watson cwatson@saanichschools.ca or visit https://www.postsecondarybc.ca/

or visit: https://mdprogram.med.ubc.ca/admissions/md-ambassador-outreach-program/

UVic Info Sessions (Virtual)

UVic Student Recruitment has organized many upcoming virtual events for Students and Parents...

For example, Parent Nights will provide parents/guardians/supporters the opportunity to learn more about UVic. Attendees will enjoy a presentation by Dr. Lisa Surridge, Associate Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, with some helpful tips on being successful in post-secondary studies. The focus of the talk is helping parents (and students) navigate the transition from high school to university. The upcoming Parent Nights are as follows:

·Sunday November 8 & 22 at 5pm

To register: https://www.uvic.ca/undergraduate/tours-events/events/#ipn-parent-nights

As always, make sure to regularly check the Saanich School District website (Programs & Services>Career Education) for the most up-to-date information about any Post-Secondary Schools, Jobs, Volunteering, and other events and opportunities available to students.

Parents as Education and Career Coaches – Nov.9

An interactive workshop (virtual ZOOM session) designed to support parents in guiding their student in making informed decisions about their education and career choices after high school. What you can expect to learn:

*Overview of all the resources available on EducationPlannerBC.ca

*Discover the different pathways available for students

*Discover supports available at post-secondary institutions

*Tips on scholarships and financial aid

*Q & A

Monday November 9, 7:00-8:30 pm

To register: https://sfu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApcempqzMvE9NNiqYhHVaEFk17O_VQnYq5

GRAD 2021

Student Transcript Service

Grade 12’s: Did you know that YOU can access your own transcripts from the Student Transcript Service website? You can view your transcript and/or send them to a Post-Secondary Institution of your choice, at any time. It is easy to make a BCeID account on the Student Transcript Service. Check out the information posters on the wall, just outside of the counselling office. http://www.StudentTranscripts.gov.bc.ca


NEW Programs at the Upside Teen Centre (Saanich Commonwealth Place)

Reminder that there are FREE, registered drop-in style programs for older teens at the Upside Teen Centre. Youth can pre-register online or come to the centre at programs time and register in person!

MONDAYS 6-8pm: Outdoor Adventure Club

TUESDAYS 6-8pm: Music Night

WEDNESDAYS 6-8pm: Games Night

THURSDAYS 6-8pm: Movie Night

Peninsula Youth Clinic

Peninsula Youth Clinic is operating through Telehealth on Thursday evenings 5:30 - 7:30pm Appointments with doctors or mental health workers are conducted by phone or video. Services are completely free and confidential in their judgement free zone for any medical concerns, to get prescriptions, or to speak with a counsellor. To make an appointment, call 250-656-4143.

Foundry Youth Clinic

Foundry Victoria Youth Clinic offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness services, with doctors, mental health workers, and peer support workers. Foundry is open for virtual and on-site appointments. To make an appointment, call 250-383-3552. Phones are answered beginning at 10:30AM on weekdays to schedule appointments for the day.

A copy of the announcements is posted on the wall outside of the main office door.