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Sr. Girls First Place in Victoria Police Tournament

Picture of Peter Westhaver
Sr. Girls First Place in Victoria Police Tournament
by Peter Westhaver - Sunday, 15 January 2017, 4:17 PM

A solid weekend of play results in our sr girls winning the police tourney this year. Knocking off Brentwood and southridge (Surrey top 10 AA school) en route final led to a hard fought victory over Ballenas 64-57 in final. Congrats to all girls for their hard work and to Lauren Montgomery Stinson and Sierra Reisig for first team all star awards.

Claremont Sr. Girl's Basketball Team is all smiles after a weekend of play resulting in first place, winning the annual Victoria Police Tournament.  Our girls defeated Brentwood & Southridge on route to a hard fought victory over Ballenas 64-57 in the final game.  Congratulations to all the girls and coaches for their hard work and to Lauren #10 and Sierra #6 for first team all-star awards.  Go Spartans!