Daily Chronicle

Friday May 29 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Friday May 29 News
by Andrea Martin - Friday, 29 May 2020, 1:16 PM


Friday May 29, 2020

Return to School Schedule Starting June 1

(We look forward to seeing you!!)

If students have signed up to attend classes at Claremont in June, students are Alpha sorted by last name

Monday A-F Grades 9-12

Tuesday G-L Grades 9-12

Wednesday M-R Grades 9-12

Thursday S-Z Grades 9-12

Friday will be dedicated for Teachers connecting with students remaining on remote learning.

Regardless of last name, vulnerable students may be supported by Teachers, Counsellors, Learning Services or Admin throughout the week.


Students returning June 1st is completely voluntary and those who decide not to return will not be penalized. Teachers will continue to deliver their courses via a “Remote” delivery model to all their students.

While at school, students will be expected to:

○ Arrive at school in good health; if you are sick/have allergies, please stay home

○ Abide by physical distancing protocols & safety standards

○ Follow the regular bell schedule

○ Enter the school through the front doors next to the flag poles

○ Focus on their learning inside their given classrooms for the entirety of each block. Students are not permitted to wander the halls during class time.

○ Students with spare blocks will be assigned to a designated area to study (the Learning Commons is not available for use during spares)

○ Bring their own food and water bottle, as no food services will be provided

○ Be outdoors during lunch break to create physical distance (dress accordingly)

○ Consider bringing your own Chromebook or Tech device to school. Limited technology will be available in the building

○ School buses will continue on their normal schedules

○ Students must remain with the cohort they have been assigned to during the month of June.