Daily Chronicle

Tuesday February 2 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Tuesday February 2 News
by Andrea Martin - Tuesday, 2 February 2021, 10:49 AM


Tuesday February 2, 2021

Happy Groundhog Day!



 If Your Student is Absent or Late

Reminder: if a student will be absent or late for class, we ask that parents/guardians either email or phone the Attendance Line (it is also helpful to copy an email the teacher). The Link for the Claremont Attendance Line is on the Quick Links on the Claremont website’s home page: 250-658-6666 and <span lang="EN-US">claremont_attendance@sd63.bc.ca</span>  .



Reminder that masks are required at all times when students and staff are in hallways, stairwells, and washrooms.  Your cooperation is appreciated.


Student Parking

Reminder: all students who are parking in the student parking lot need to be registered. Parking permission forms are in the Accounting Office.


Cafeteria Food Service

Cafeteria service offers a selection of tasty food to augment your lunches. For Quarter 3, MONDAYS and FRIDAYS will offer pizza.  TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY will offer a selection of lunch food and treats. Cafeteria service is cash only OR you can purchase a lunch card from the Accounting Office for $5 or $10.


Mid-Morning Breaktime Food Service

Reminder that the Spartan Store is open every morning for breakfast and snack service 10:00-11:00, with reasonably-priced hot drinks and morning treats. Cash or lunch cards only.



Mid-Day Bus Schedules

For the first 5 weeks of Quarter 3, the mid-day busses are scheduled to leave Claremont at 12:00 noon sharp, for students that don’t have afternoon classes.  The bus schedule is posted on the Claremont website and is posted just outside of the Claremont office.



Speedball Intramurals

Schedules for Bubble Bowl # 2 (Speedball Intramurals) are posted outside of the gym and main office.  This week, all Junior players will play TODAY and THURSDAY.  Senior players will play only WEDNESDAY this week. Beginning next week, each will play twice a week most weeks. If you have not registered and still want to participate, please see Mr Reisig asap.



Math Club

Math Contest Sign-up.  If you are in grade 9 or 10 and are interested in writing the Pascal or Cayley math contest put on by the University of Waterloo, please sign up outside of room 133 TODAY.



No news today.



Island Medical Program: Zoom Info Session – Feb.18

If you are interested in becoming a doctor, you can earn your MD via the UBC MD Undergraduate Program in partnership with the University of Victoria and Island Health. Attend this FREE virtual info session to find out more!  THURSDAY, February 18, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Register at imp.med.ubc.ca/infosessionFeb2021 to receive the Zoom link.


Skills Canada Competition Week – Register by Feb.19

Show your skills, compete, and have fun by registering for Skills Canada Competition Week! 

There are Secondary (Grades 10-12) and Junior (Grades 6-9) competitions, based on tons of fun categories, like: Electronics, Culinary, Graphic Design, Hairstyling, Wind Turbines, Gear Bots, Public Speaking, Photography, Job Search, and more!  Competition Week: March 1-6. Students must be registered by Friday, February 19th!  For more info or to register, see your Careers Teacher (Mr. Bussoli, Mr. Arsenault or Mrs. Watson).


SD63: List of Virtual Post-Secondary Info and Events

There are so many virtual information sessions and events being offered by post-secondary institutions.  The Saanich School District has a Careers page that is full of good information about various training and post-secondary opportunities. For the most current details about many virtual events being provided by universities and other post-secondary schools, make sure to visit the Saanich School District Career Education website, at https://careered.sd63.bc.ca/.  This site is updated continually.


Job Opportunity

Farm/garden help needed on Old West Saanich Rd (on the other side of Elk Lake). Job includes help gathering branches and doing other odd jobs in the garden. Eventually, the job could increase to work in the vegetable garden and other areas of the property. Scheduling is flexible, starting at as little as 3 hours per week, working up to more hours and potential summer work..  For contact information, see Mrs. Watson or email: cwatson@saanichschools.ca


GRAD 2021

Grad Wear

If you ordered a white small Grad hoodie and brought the form on FRIDAY last week, please stop by the Accounting office, as you forgot to put a name on your form.



Pathway to Teacher Education Scholarship: Students interested in pursing a career in teaching are encouraged to apply for this $5000 scholarship. Twenty awards will be given this year to graduating students across BC.  The application is online and can be found on the Claremont Website Scholarships Page and the Scholarships Tracker. Deadline to submit online application: February 15.


Student Transcript Service

Grade 12’s: Did you know that YOU can access your own transcripts from the Student Transcript Service website?  You can view your transcript and/or send them to a Post-Secondary Institution of your choice, at any time. It is easy to make a BCeID account on the Student Transcript Service.  Check out the information posters on the wall, just outside of the counselling office.  http://www.StudentTranscripts.gov.bc.ca



Programs at the Upside Teen Centre (Saanich Commonwealth Place)

Reminder that there are FREE, registered drop-in style programs for older teens at the Upside Teen Centre.  Youth can pre-register online or in person! 

MONDAYS 6-8pm:  Outdoor Adventure Club

TUESDAYS  6-8pm: Music Night

WEDNESDAYS  6-8pm: Games Night

THURSDAYS 6-8pm: Movie Night


Peninsula Youth Clinic

Peninsula Youth Clinic is operating through Telehealth on Thursday evenings 5:30 - 7:30pm Appointments with doctors or mental health workers are conducted by phone or video. Services are completely free and confidential in their judgement free zone for any medical concerns, to get prescriptions, or to speak with a counsellor.  To make an appointment, call 250-656-4143.


Foundry Youth Clinic

Foundry Victoria Youth Clinic offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness services, with doctors, mental health workers, and peer support workers. Foundry is open for virtual and on-site appointments. To make an appointment, call 250-383-3552. Phones are answered beginning at 10:30AM on weekdays to schedule appointments for the day.


A copy of the announcements is posted on the wall outside of the main office door.