Daily Chronicle

Wednesday June 2 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Wednesday June 2 News
by Andrea Martin - Wednesday, 2 June 2021, 11:07 AM


Wednesday June 2, 2021



Friday Morning "Walk In"

This coming FRIDAY June 4th, our entire school staff will be participating in a 'Walk In' - Our full staff will be wearing orange on Friday and participating in a continuous walk together around our school track starting just before 9a.m.  At 9:10a.m., everyone will then head around the building and enter the main doors of our school as one, to symbolically show support for all those affected by the tragic findings in Kamloops this past weekend. Any/all students who are interested in joining our staff in this activity are invited to do so ~ please remember to wear orange, be masked up, and meet us out on the track Friday at 9a.m.


Blood Drive

Lets see how many Claremont Spartans can donate blood in the month of June!  Donors are needed daily to maintain the blood supply for trauma victims, people undergoing cancer treatment and surgical procedures. You must be 17 years or older to donate.  Students/Staff make their own appointments, and there is no need to miss class time, See the posters around the school, check out blood.ca or see Ms Chapman in room 136 for more information.


Literacy & Numeracy Assessments: June 14-16

Quarter 4 Literacy and Numeracy Assessments are coming up from June 14 - June 16. For any grade 10's or 11's who are currently enrolled in Math or English and have not yet written these assessments, you can expect to write with your class. Please check in with your teacher for the exact date and time. For those needing to write and are not currently scheduled with their class, please come sign up at the office with Mrs. Martin.  All assessments are written in the Learning Commons. Sample questions and extra info for both assessments can be found at https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/provincial/assessment


Water Bottles & Water Fountains

Important reminder: for Health & Safety purposes, Claremont’s water fountains have been modified to be only used as water bottle filling stations; they are no longer tap drinking fountains. Students are asked to bring a water bottle from home every day for their personal use.  Regular hydration is important, especially as the days become warmer!


School Bus Registration for 2021-2022

School bus registration for next school year is now open until June 20th.  To register, you will need your Student #.  Registration link is on the Saanich School District website:  https://www.sd63.bc.ca/programs-and-services/transportation


30 Hours Work Experience or Volunteering 

Reminder to CLE/CLC students (especially Gr. 12s): When you have completed your 30 hours of Work Experience or Volunteering, ask your employer or volunteer coordinator to confirm your hours via email to Mrs. Watson (Career Centre) - <span lang="EN-US">cwatson@saanichschools.ca</span>



A set of Air Pods was found Tuesday morning.  Please come to the office to claim them.



Spikeball Intramurals

Spikeball playoffs continue TODAY at lunch.  Come by and watch the fun in the sun!



Chess Club

The Chess Club is back on!  Come by at lunch in room 327 to get your game on!


Board Games Club

Claremont’s Board Games Club is happening again this FRIDAY at lunch in room 200.  Come by and check it out!



In Search of New Homestay Families

Are you interested in becoming a Homestay family for an International student? Saanich Schools International Student Program needs new host families for the upcoming 2021-2022 school year!  This can be a wonderful opportunity to make life-long friendships and share the beauty of your home and community.  Host families receive a generous monthly allowance of $975 to offset expenses. Host families who are willing to host boys are especially needed!

Learn More: https://www.studyinsaanich.ca/homestay/info-for-host-families 

Request a no-commitment consultationhttps://studyinsaanich.ca/host-interest 

Apply Now: https://mytruenorth.ca/hsportalindex.php?db=saanich


GRAD 2021

Grad Activities - Important Info Coming Your Way

For all of our Grads: an overview of all upcoming Grad-related activities will be published and available in a variety of forms by the end of the day this FRIDAY - hard copies of this info will be handed out in Block 2 over the next few days, and the information will also be uploaded to the Grad 2021 Google Classroom as well as our Claremont Instagram page by the end of the day on Friday.  Spread the word!


Student Transcript Service

Grade 12’s: Did you know that YOU can access your own transcripts from the Student Transcript Service website?  You can view your transcript and/or send them to a Post-Secondary Institution of your choice, at any time. It is easy to make a BCeID account on the Student Transcript Service.  Check out the information posters on the wall, just outside of the counselling officehttp://www.StudentTranscripts.gov.bc.ca



Smile Cards 

You can still support the 2021 Grad class by using a Thrifty Foods Smile Card for your grocery shopping. Thrifty Foods will donate an amount equal to 5% of the dollars you load on to your pre-assigned Smile Card to the 2021 Dry Grad. Smile Cards can be picked up at the Claremont office.

Questions about fundraising?  Please contact the Fundraising Committee:  <span lang="EN-US">Claremont2021AGC@gmail.com</span>



Apprenticeship Programs, Awards and Incentive Grants

Claremont students: Did you know that if you complete 900 hours in one of the 100 PAID Apprenticeships, you would be given a $1000 award, as were 5 of our students (boys & girls) last Friday.  These students, and yourself, can also earn up to $6000 on top of your wages through Incentive Grants awarded to you during your apprenticeship.

For more information about apprenticeships and career paths in a wide range of trades, see Mr. Arsenault or Mr. Bussoli or Google:

1) Apprenticeship Grants and Incentives or

2) Trade Programs – ITABC


TEAC 105 - Sign up for next year!

If you're interested in Civil or Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, or Computer Science, consider signing up for Explorations in Technology (TEAC105) through Camosun College.  This program is open to grade 10, 11 or 12 students. Seats are available for both sessions (Sept 2021 and Feb 2022), but they fill up fast!  See Mr. Bussoli for more information.


SD63: List of Virtual Post-Secondary Info and Events

The Saanich School District has a Careers page that is full of good information about various training, careers information, and post-secondary opportunities. For the most current details about virtual events, make sure to visit https://careered.sd63.bc.ca/    This site is updated continually. More information can also be found in the Claremont Career Centre or with Mrs. Watson in room 222.

Some of the current highlights include:

Summer Camp Youth Leadership Opportunities


Are you an entrepreneur in the making?

The SOAR Summer Innovation Camp is an interactive virtual program designed to immerse students in Grades 7-12 in the world of entrepreneurship and innovation through project-based learning challenges.  2021 Camp session dates: July 5-30 & Aug 3-27

Cost $400 (financial assistance is available).  For more information, and to register: https://soaredu.ca/soar-summer-programs



Programs at the Upside Teen Centre (Saanich Commonwealth Place)

Check it out!!  There are NEW drop-in style programs for older teens at the Upside Teen Centre.  Youth can pre-register online or in person! 

TUESDAY 6-8pm:  Music Jam Session 101

THURSDAYS 6-8pm:  Dungeons & Dragons Club

FRIDAYS 6:30 - 8:30pm:  LGBTQ2IA+ Hang Out


“InTheKnow” Parent Meeting 

Summer Strategies: Helping Things Go Better" – June 3

For families and caring adults who are parenting a child or youth with mental health challenges, things can look different, and summer activities are no exception. When mental health is in the picture, sometimes our energy can fluctuate, and it can be the same for our kids. Whether you are struggling a little bit or a lot, there may be something in this conversation that could help things go better this summer.

By Zoom: Let’s talk together about ways we can adjust activities to match our family’s capacity at the moment. This is a FREE event.

June 3 @ at 4:30 pm

Registration: www.familysmart.ca/itk


Supporting Emotional Balance – June 9

Parents and guardians are invited to attend an evening with David Segal, Executive Director of Human Nature Counselling Society, as he explores strategies and approaches to support children and youth—and ourselves—during these uncertain times. Sponsored by School District 63 COPACS. This is a virtual session. June 9, 7:00-8:30 pm. 

To register:  https://www.sd63.bc.ca/supporting-emotional-balance


Saanich Peninsula Youth Clinic

Saanich Peninsula Youth Clinic will be open all summer with the same hours through Telehealth on Thursday evenings 5:30 - 7:30pm.  Meet with a doctor or mental health worker for support for physical, mental and sexual health.  Call 250-656-4143, press 4, then press 5.

100% free and confidential, explicitly inclusive of all genders and sexualities!


Foundry Youth Clinic

Foundry Victoria Youth Clinic offers young people ages 12-24 health and wellness services, with doctors, mental health workers, and peer support workers. Foundry is open for virtual and on-site appointments. To make an appointment, call 250-383-3552. Phones are answered beginning at 10:30AM on weekdays to schedule appointments for the day.


A copy of the announcements is posted on the wall outside of the main office door.