Ms. Milne's English 9 Homework

Friday, November 15th

Picture of Vickie Milne
Friday, November 15th
by Vickie Milne - Friday, 15 November 2013, 2:00 PM

From Ms. R

Today in class, students:

-wrote the Act 1 quiz for Twelfth Night

-read for USSR

-had a question and answer discussion about the play/Twelfth Night Journal Assignment

-began reading Act 2 Scene 1 & 2


-quotes are due on Monday! (remember the written response for the assignment is due on Wednesday)

** you can access the play at

**if you find that you are struggling with the language in the play, you can go to NO FEAR SHAKESPEARE and look up Twelfth Night. It will give you the Shakespearen version of the text on the left hand side of the page, and a modern English translation of the text on the right hand side of the page :)