Daily Chronicle

Tuesday February 4 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Tuesday February 4 News
by Andrea Martin - Tuesday, 4 February 2014, 10:30 AM

Tuesday February 4, 2014

Math contest today
Any students who have signed up for the AMC 10 or AMC 12 Math contests, please go to room 323 at the beginning of block 2 TODAY.

Blood Drive
The blood drive is in the small gym all day TODAY.  If you are donating blood today, please remember:  
-you must bring PICTURE I.D.
-show up on time for your donation.
-HYDRATE and  SNACK during the day.
-And if you are missing class time, let your teacher know where you are.
Thank you for your gift of life

Glow Dance
Claremont is having a dance!  A GLOW DANCE!! on Thursday Feb 13th from 7-10pm.
Dance tickets will be going on sale starting TODAY.  Tickets are $5 and can be bought at the box office at lunch time.  Guest tickets can be bought for $7 from admin in the office  Claremont hasn't had a dance in over 10 years, so let's make it happen!

Rugby BBQ
The rugby team will be holding a lunchtime BBQ on THURSDAY this week to help raise money for their trip to Ottawa. They'll be selling burgers, drinks and chips in the courtyard outside the student lounge.  There will be no cafeteria service that day, so come support the rugby guys!

FOFA - Opera
Attention all Fine Arts students:  Any students interested in attending an opera next Tuesday at 7pm, please see Mr. Plant for a ticket.  $12.

No news today.

Dodgeball Intramurals
Sign up continues this week for Intramural Dodgeball. There are Junior and Senior divisions and the sign up sheet will be posted on the doors to the main gym.
See Tyrus Reynolds and Aren Ozker for more info.

Students interested in playing tennis this year, please see Mr Gardner for information at lunch TODAY or WEDNESDAY in room 264 or 327.  Tennis starts up at the end of this week.

Students interested in playing badminton this year, please see Ms. Pang in room 135 at lunch TODAY or WEDNESDAY.

Reminder, boys rugby practices for Juniors and Seniors have now begun. No experience is required to join the teams.  Senior practices will be Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays after school.  Junior practices will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays after school.
See Mr. Ohl,  Mr. Belvedere or Mr. Ollis for more information.

No news today.

Grad Portrait Retakes
For all grads who had portrait retakes taken, your photo packages have arrived and they are in the office for you to pick up.

Grade 12 students are starting to need transcripts for applications to Universities and Colleges.  When you order transcripts at the office, please understand that they must be pre-paid, and they are prepared by office staff  twice a week only (on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons).  

Pizza Lunch
There is an important pizza lunch TODAY in the Choir Room for all international students. There will be information about upcoming trips and also a welcome to new international students in semester 2.