Ms. Milne's English 9 Homework

Thurs. Feb. 26

Picture of Vickie Milne
Thurs. Feb. 26
by Vickie Milne - Thursday, 26 February 2015, 2:11 PM
Today in class we...
 - Peer edited our writing pieces and began working on our good copies

 - Unit Test: Prep sheets were given out in class yesterday and today.

For Monday:
Writing Portfolio is due. This must contain:
-Two good copies (one literary piece and one creative writing piece)
-Five rough drafts that were completed over the last two weeks (Penny in the Dust can be just a planning outline)
-Two peer editing worksheets you filled out for your partner (unless you were having someone outside the class edit yours, then use the sheets they filled out)

If any the above requirements are not included you will receive a ZERO (extension forms are available if you do not feel this can be done by Monday)

--Mr. Oxland