Ms. Milne's English 9 Homework

Wednesday, October 7

Picture of Vickie Milne
Wednesday, October 7
by Vickie Milne - Wednesday, 7 October 2015, 4:23 PM
Today in class, students:

- read for USSR

- were given a completion mark for the Act 1 Scene 2 questions

- gave themselves a mark /6, with reasoning, on the back of their Creative Assignment, before handing it in

- were given a drama terms sheet, and we went over the first section of terms

- Read Act 1 Scenes 3, 4, and part of 5 (up to top of p.51)

- reviewed/took notes on "who's who" in the play

- were told about the online resource No Fear Shakespeare


Review today's reading and go to No Fear Shakespeare if you're struggling to understand the play.