The Passport to Education 2015 is now ready to be picked up at Claremont.
- We are happy to advise the following students have now been added to our recipients of the Passport to Education. These awards can be picked up in the school office.
Carfra, Michelle
MacLean, Duncan
- Passport to Education booklets may be picked up from the school office.
12 - 2015 Grads
Birch, Andrew
Cavallin, Natalie
Cheung, Denzel
Comolli, James
Dechka, Amy
Ellis, Brooke
Fitzgerald, Nolan
Foxall, Robert (Mackenzie)
Glover, Cameron
Grabia, Mya
Heinz, Mikayla
Houston, Sara
Hunt, Megan
Inch, Conrad
Johnston, Alice
Kapus, Jaidan
Konieczna, Aleksandra
Krossner, Melanie
Lam, Waverly
Leckie, Nicole
Locke, Chelsi
MacDonald, Robert
Macintosh, Ann
Mackin, Emily
Maeland, Mackenzie
Moore, Rebecca
Pereira, Margaret
Roach, Megan
Rowley, Courtney
Ruygrok, Preston
Salomonsson, CarmonSaunders, Jackson
Saunders, Ryan
Shih, Steven
Simmonds, Cole
Smith, Jack
Swift, Gabriel
Tucker, Alexander
Walker, Michaela
Wendt, Jordan
Passport for Grade 10 or 11 Only
(Grade 12 Students from 2015 that only qualified for Grade 10 or 11)
Aleman, Michelle
Atemgoya, Natasha
Babcook, Leanne
Carfra, Michelle
Chen, Yihui (Wendy)
Choi, Dabin
Davidson, Erin
Di Fruscia, Emanuel
Dolezal, Sarah
Ferguson, Laura
Freeland, Cassidy
Graham, Brooke
Johnson, Cassidy
Jones, Riley
Konstantinov, Karol
MacLean, Duncan
Matthews, Alia
McFarlane, Allie
McNeely, Megan
Pritchard Lange, Liam
Ruscheinski, Quinn
Russell, Holly
Sandu, Sukhdip
Smith, Edward
Stratton, Joel
Tonken, Jemma
Vale, Taya
Wang, May
Welyk, Rile
Whitney, Liam
Youell, Sarah