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Picture of Shannon Tong
by Shannon Tong - Friday, 2 November 2012, 2:31 PM

If you were away today...

We edited rough drafts and completed discussion questions for the short story "Harrison Bergeron."  You are expected to have the homework questions completed for class on Monday.  Also, your essay is due on Monday.


  • Complete and upload your essay on Dr. Sayers.
  • Answer the following questions for the short story "Harrison Bergeron."  If you do not have a copy of the story, click on this link
  1. What is the tone of this story? Explain (2)
  2. In your opinion, what does it mean to be equal? Does being equal mean that everyone must be the same? What do you feel is Vonnegut's view on equality? (4)
  3. When Harrison Bergeron is completely free from his handicaps, he defies the laws of gravity and motion. What might Vonnegut be suggesting about the potential of free human beings? (2)
  4. In traditional stories, the hero is a superhuman figure, who "saves" people from an enemy. In what passages is Harrison superhuman? How are the results of Harrison's efforts ironic? (2)
  5. What ideas or programs in North American society do you think Vonnegut might be ridiculing in "Harrison Bergeron"? (2)
  6. Suppose the characters in "Harrison Bergeron" each represent someone or something. Who/what they may represent or symbolize. Consider (a) George and Hazel (b) Handicapper General & HG Men (c) Harrison Bergeron