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Thursday, May 8th

Picture of Shannon Tong
Thursday, May 8th
by Shannon Tong - Thursday, 8 May 2014, 2:50 PM

If you were away today, we 

  • reviewed your rough drafts (see slide show)
  • read the short story, "The Tell Tale Heart" (posted on line and attached to this post) - please read this at home tonight.
  • determined the due date for your essay - May 14th


  • Complete the questions for "The Tell Tale Heart"
  1. In the opening paragraph, the narrator claims that he is not insane (“mad”). How does he intend to prove his sanity?

  2. What instigates the narrator's actions against the old man?

  3. In the 3rd paragraph, the narrator claims to have several qualities that insane people don't have. What are these qualities? Do they prove his sanity?

  4. How trustworthy is the narrator? Explain.

  5. The sound of the beating heart causes the narrator to confess his crime. What does the sound symbolize?