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ENGLISH 10: Thursday June 12

Picture of Shannon Tong
ENGLISH 10: Thursday June 12
by Shannon Tong - Thursday, 12 June 2014, 8:53 PM

Hello class,

I sincerely hope that we have another class together next week.  However, if not, thank you for a wonderful semester.  I have enjoyed working with you and hope that I will have you as students again in grade 11 and/or 12.

Just a reminder that your provincial exam in on June 24th at 9:00 a.m.  It would be wise to review the following:

  • your notes on literary and poetic terms
  • the comprehensive list of terms for English 10
  • your notes on how to write an effective essay
  • your notes on how to write an effective paragraph
  • your notes on how to integrate quotations smoothly
  • the feedback I have given you on all written assignments - they should be saved in your email account.  Look for errors that you commonly made and remember to avoid them on the exam.
  • list of persuasive words to use when writing
  • technical Tuesday notes    

Remember to bring the right supplies: 2 pens, 2 pencils, a good eraser, and a highlighter. 

Dress in layers just in case it's too hot or too cold.

If you are in the big gym writing the paper exam, you may bring a small amount of candy and water in a clear water bottle.  If you are writing an e-exam, you are not permitted to have food or drink (sorry).

Take your time on the exam.  Use powerful, sophisticated language. 

I will be thinking of you all while you are writing it and will be cheering you on.

All the best,

Ms. Tong