Daily Chronicle

Thursday October 22 News

Picture of Andrea Martin
Thursday October 22 News
by Andrea Martin - Thursday, 22 October 2015, 9:21 AM

Thursday October 22, 2015

London, England – Spring Break 2016
Do you want to go to London at Spring Break?  Mr. Plant will be holding another recruitment meeting TODAY at lunch in the theatre.  This trip is going to happen during Spring Break and will be 9 days in duration.  If you are interested but cannot attend, see Mr. Plant ASAP.

Motivational Day
TOMORROW, Friday the 23rd,  is  the annual Youth for Change and Inclusion Motivational Day. This is a day of workshops on topics like Activism Through Art, The Politics of Gender, homelessness and mental health. Students from most of the Victoria high schools come; there is food, and games, and it's free with a donation to the food bank. Registration is on Eventbrite.ca    Look for posters around the school for more information, or talk to Ms Gaudet or Ms G-C.

Take Our Kids to Work Day
Open to all grade 9 students, the annual Take Our Kids to Work day is Wednesday, November 4.  Consider shadowing a parent, neighbour or family friend at what they do on a usual day at work!   Consent forms for all participants in Take Our Kids to Work day must be returned to the Career Centre by THURSDAY, Oct. 29th - NO Exceptions.  For students NOT participating, an alternate activity will be provided with the regular classroom teacher, including an assignment to be completed and handed in to the Career Centre the following day.  Please visit the Career Centre for more information.

Peer Tuturing
A reminder to students that Peer Tutoring drop in times are TUESDAYS (math and science) and WEDNESDAYS (math, science, math, socials) at lunch in Math room 134.  Please fill out a request form found on Ms. Giese's office window for one on one tutoring if a different time or subject is required.

Camosun College ChatterHigh AA Competition
Last two days for the Camosun College AA Competition!  Camosun College is providing a prize pot of $2250 for this competition running until Oct 23rd!   Log on to ChatterHigh and help to win $$$ for Claremont and at the same time collect points to win stuff for yourself!!  Good luck!

Key Club - UNICEF
Do you want to help children all over the world? Of course you do! Please donate any spare change from now until Halloween into the UNICEF boxes found in all your teachers' classrooms. Every little bit can add up to a lot!

School Bus Passes
There are still many school bus passes in the office, needing to be picked up. 

Halloween Week
Students Government has fun activities planned next week to get us into the Halloween spirit!!  For the events in the lounge at lunch, everyone is welcome to participate or to join the fun by being a spectator!
Black-Out MONDAY~~  wear black this day!!
TUESDAY ~~ Mummy-Wrap competition in the lounge at lunch.
WEDNESDAY ~~ Pie-eating contest in the lounge at lunch.
THURSDAY ~~ Pumpkin carving in the lounge at lunch.
FRIDAY ~~ Wear a costume and join the costume parade at lunch!

Junior Boys BBall Tryouts
Reminder of the junior boys tryouts TONIGHT from 7:00-9:30 in the main gym.

Western University – Ontario
Thinking about out-of-BC universities?  Western University in London, Ontario offers all faculties as well as the IVEY Business School. Travel bursaries available for students coming from out-of-province. More information and viewbooks in the Career Centre.

GRAD 2016
No news today.

Check Brenda's board every day for news.