Getting Sketchup images into docs

Getting images from Sketchup into your Document

1) In sketchup, orient the object to show the view you want. Try to fill the screen as much as possible without cutting any part off.

2) Under File, Select Export, then 2D Graphic.

In the pop up window, -change destination to 'Desktop',

-name your file,

-change to file type to '.jpg',

-click 'Export' button.

You should now have the image on your desktop.

3) In your document (Libre office in this case),

-put your cursor where you want to place your image.

-select Insert from the top menu bar

-select Image

You should see the image you selected appear in your document where you had your cursor.

Resize and move as you like.

Last modified: Wednesday, 14 December 2016, 9:24 PM